
  1. Acknowledgements

    Robert Power (Lead Editor)

  2. Introduction: Rob Power

    Robert Power (Lead Editor)

  3. Editor's Note: Mohamed Ally

    Mohamed Ally (Editor)

  4. Editor's Note: Dean Cristol

    Dean Cristol (Editor)

  5. Editor's Note: Agnieszka Palalas

    Agnieszka Palalas (Editor)

    1. Enhancing Residential Student Leadership Training with Appropriate Augmented Reality mLearning Trail Design

      Kevin K. Yue, Lisa Y. Law, Hiu Ling Chan, Jade B. Chan, Elaine Y. Wong, Theresa F. Kwong, Eva Y. Wong

    1. Resourceful instructors and students: Overcoming barriers to integrating mobile tools

      Carrie Demmans Epp, Krystle Phirangee, Antoine Després-Bedward, Lingzi Wang

    1. An mLearning Toolset for Leveraging Learning Theory

      David Parsons and Kathryn MacCallum

  6. VII. Additional Resources